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The etching industry association PCMI organized a visit to zhuolida

Author: Source: Date:2018/4/26 9:59:18
Information digest:
The etching industry association PCMI is a nonprofit organization.The purpose of the association is to provide a platform for the exchange of technical information among manufacturers, suppliers and customers in the etching and electroforming industries.Zolida in 2007...

The engraving industry association is a non-profit organization.The purpose of the association is to provide a platform for the exchange of technical information among manufacturers, suppliers and customers in the etching and electroforming industries.In 2007, zhuo lida electronic co., ltd. was certified by the world etching industry association and officially joined the association, becoming one of the few Chinese hardware etching enterprises.


1967 the etching industry association was founded in the United States.Soon after its founding, companies from the United States, Britain, Germany, and Japan quickly became members.Today, the etching association has members in more than 20 countries on six continents.


Zhuolida is a precision etching brand, has a number of imported etching processing lines, and a number of the world's top 500 enterprises to provide free metal injection technology solutions.The company mainly USES imported materials, capable of etching and processing a variety of different materials, thickness from 0.02mm to 2.0mm, small tolerance can be controlled in +/-0.01mm.Hotline: 0513-81601668    182-0629-3159